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Your Career
At Newbury Business Consulting, our top priority is to assist our individual clients (or “candidates”) to achieve paramount career advancement. Our goal is to provide our individual clients with the appropriate consultation services. By integrating personal needs with business strategies NBC makes our clients’ success a certainty.
In the recruitment process, we handle our candidates' resumes and information with the utmost care. We also execute a thorough pre-screening process of our individual clients before introducing them to our corporate clients.
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To succeed as a professional in finance, your employer’s fair and accurate evaluation of your performance is crucial towards your professional advancement. Newbury Business Consulting (NBC) will consult with you on your professional possibilities by weighing both your former and current career experiences.
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Want to find out whether your professional performance and abilities are accurately evaluated by your boss or employer?
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Newbury Business Consulting The Inamura Bldg. 1-9-2 Nihonbashi Kayabacho, Chuo-Ku Tokyo, Japan TEL:+81-3-6810-7760 FAX:+81-3-6810-7759